Sex Addictions

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Sexually-orientated obsessive and compulsive thinking and behaviour is now accepted and validated as an addiction and help is available to those who are willing to accept they have a problem.

With the major developments in technology and broadband, digitally-based addictions (including sexually-orientated) have seen a significant increase creating much harm and misery for many individuals and their families.

“Like an alcoholic unable to stop drinking, sexual addicts are unable to stop their self-destructive sexual behaviour.  Family breakups, financial disaster, loss of jobs, and risk to life are the painful themes of their stories.  Sex addicts come from all walks of life. Many were abused as children sexually, physically, and/or emotionally.”

Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D.
Out of the Shadows

John has considerable experience of working with clients in this specialist area of addiction and he has trained with Dr. Patrick Carnes who is considered to be the leading international authority and author on sexual addictions.

Over the last 10 years John has helped many individuals and family members move towards recovery and lead happier and healthier lives.

Like all addictions this is a no fault illness but once identified the addict is accountable for their behaviour and responsible for their recovery.