Alcohol Dependency
Alcohol dependency sometimes known as Alcoholism is the most serious form of a drinking problem and is described as a strong and uncontrollable, desire to drink.
Determining and assessing the extent of the problem by an experienced accredited addiction therapist is the first stage in setting out an individual treatment plan.
Many people while having some of the characteristics may not fall into the category of addiction or dependency and may need a plan that educates them and helps moderate their use.
How to identify if you have an Alcohol Dependency
Does any near relative or close friend or partner every worry or complaint about your drinking?
Can you stop drinking without difficulty after one or two drinks?
Do you ever feel guilty about your drinking?
Ever get into trouble at work because of your drinking?
Do you drink before noon fairly often?
Being unable to control how much you drink.
Being unable to control when you drink
Feeling compelled or has an uncontrollable craving to drink?
Having a tolerance to alcohol so you need to consume increasingly large amounts of alcohol?
Drink alone or in secret?
Experiencing blackouts or periods of time when you can’t remember what you did, where you were, or who you were with, or what you said?